November 22, 2022
Matthew Fairy

How Quickly Can You Sell a Property?

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How Quickly Can You Sell a Property?

As most of us know, selling your property can be one of the biggest causes of stress in life.

Approximate Selling Times

Currently, on average, it can take between four and six months for a property to sell, with four months in what would be a ‘hot’ market and ‘six’ in a cold market.

It is essential to remember that the length of time it takes to sell any property is based on a number of different things, not solely on how hot or cold the property market is in your area.

Property Type

The more attractive the property and the more sizeable the target group, the easier it will be to sell. This means that different property will do well in different locations, for example a three or four bedroom home might be easier to sell in a family-orientated location and a one or two bedroom home might be easier to sell in a business-orientated city.

The Essentials That Impact the Sale of a Property

A major factor in how long your home takes to sell, is the area of the country that you live in. If you are in a location where the housing market is more variable, properties may stay on the market for longer periods.

You may not be able to control many of the elements that affect the sale but there are ways to make your home more desirable, that will help it sell more quickly. It may go without saying but price can make a huge difference to saleability. The more competitively priced homes are obviously liable to sell more quickly but equally if you price it too low, it could also negatively impact you, so balance is key.

There are many things that could affect how long it takes to sell your property, including:

  • The cost price/ asking price
  • Whether it’s a hot or cold market
  • The solicitors being used
  • The estate agents being used
  • Your buyer’s position
  • The length of the property chain
  • Search, survey or title issues
  • Condition of neighbouring property
  • Time of year
  • State of the property

How to Make Your Property More Tempting

If you want to get the best offer for your property in the least amount of time, then making your property more appealing should be a priority.

Ensuring that you have neutral decor throughout your property, getting rid of clutter and making sure that the garden is tidy can all make a substantial difference in how easy your property is to market. Simple things like keeping bins and other somewhat unpleasant items out of sight is also a good idea, so that potential buyers don’t see them.

In conclusion, at a minimum, it is likely to take at least four months to sell and in ‘colder’ markets, it could take up to six months. The time taken to sell a property can vary depending on many different circumstances but taking some steps to make your home more desirable can help.

There are many things to think about when selling your home but at Transparent Mortgage Services we can take the stress out of finding your next mortgage. If you would like to discuss your needs or find out more, call us on 01424 444 597 or email us on

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